

Geschrieben von Parivadi das am 08. September 2006 19:42:30:

Hier ein Text von His Grace Pragosa prabhu über Ideologien. Er bringt es gut auf den Punkt. Bitte entschuldigt die englische Sprache:

To all who now feel compelled to “expose” the true position of Islam and its founder, a comment.

There is essentially no difference between the fanatics who embrace and use the Talmud, the Koran or the New and Old Testament, to substantiate their pillage, plunder and murder - all in the name of being the “favored Chosen Ones” of Yahweh, Allah or Jesus Christ. They are all ignorant, divisive; deviants who seek an “advantage” over others in their desperate struggle for temporary survival in this material world.

“WE ARE THE ONLY CHOSEN ONES and claim the authority to disregard at best and if need be - kill - at the worst - all those who would intervene in our affairs or attempt to deal with us as anything but master” is the very consciousness that compelled our arrival in this material world in the first place. Every single soul that arrives here - is a criminal; a petty thief. Naturally - competition within the prison for whatever meager resources there are is a constant. All look for advantage over all others.

There is little to be gained by exposing the lunacy of imagined Supremacy in the eyes of God - that one mundane religion purports to hold and/or use to inflict unimagined horror upon all those who differ or compete with them, if it is not acknowledged that ALL religions are equally guilty of this basic flaw to one degree or the other. History is replete with an endless succession of war and plunder by the adherents of all religious, political and social ideologies.

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur, in his essay “On Initiation” speaks candidly of the soul’s inability to submit without reservation to all but the Absolute:

“In this world the moral principle, indeed claims our willing submission. But even morality also is a curtailment of freedom necessitated by the peculiar circumstances of this world. The soul, who does not belong to this world, is in a state of open or court rebellion against submission to an alien domination. It is by his very constitution capable of submitting willingly only to the Absolute.”

All religious ideology, save the Eternal Spiritual Culture of Pure Devotion to Lord Krsna - is incomplete at best - and cannot be wholly accepted by all. Thus all religious form in this world will feel threatened by the apathy or rejection of all others towards it. This then facilitates a natural state of competition between them - in as much as the modes of nature themselves exist in a state of competition. In as much as all jivas exist here in this world in an open state of rebellion against the Lord Himself - they are even more inclined to view themselves in an open state of war - declared or undeclared - amongst themselves. The use of ideology - religious or otherwise - is merely the way to generate a sense of communal loyalty, for the expressed purpose of enhancing their numbers and providing numerical strength and the more mystical element of “conviction” in the cause. The cause of course is really just survival. A basic animal drive. However “religion” provides a “Transcendent Authority” to all the pillage and plunder that each jiva pursues.

The recent spate of expose’ by some, as to the “real” truth about Islam is not representative of the Krsna Consciousness movement’s position on such matters. Krsna Consciousness isolates the demon from the devotee - on the basis of very particular characteristics. The dark side of Islam is no “darker” than the dark side of Talmudic Judaism or Jesuit Catholicism; no more eager to rule the world - than good old fashion Anglo Saxon Protestantism. No more capable of generating horror and war - than the staunchest practitioner of Humanistic Socialism. In many ways - Islam’s proverbial “bark” - is more impressive than its “bite” when measured against the evils actually perpetrated by other ideologies that claim to be so much more “civilized”.

All ideology in this world is just that: Of this world! The Acharya has nothing to do with the affairs of this world. He does not come here to “improve” this world. He comes into this world - on orders from Lord Krsna Himself - to bring us out of this world. Period. While it is certainly true that by following the Acharya’s guidance without reservation, improvement of the atmosphere of this world will be take place, enhancing our position here in what is essentially a prison, in any way, is not the intention of the Acharya.

There is nothing to be gained by highlighting the defects of Islam. Nor by arguing amongst each other over the relative superiority of one group’s religious notion over any other. They are all incapable producing the “absolute submission” of the soul to Lord Krsna that is demanded by Him in order to free us from this prison. Only pure devotional service under the guidance of the Acharya can put an end to the rebellion of the jiva towards Lord Krsna and the internecine rivalry all jivas naturally feel towards one another that yields nothing but murder and plunder - under the banner of one ideology or another.

Let us distribute the Holy Name far and wide as much as possible. Never mind that at present there are some places it cannot be introduced. Lord Chaitanya can and will change that according to His own Sweet Will! Remember that one day - ISLAM will claim Hari Das Thakur as her “Favorite Son” for his embodiment of the full power of the Holy Name!! He will personally rescue all of ISLAM and personall bless them for their faith. I can only imagine what kind of Vaisnavas they will become!! Just imagine the faith they have shown in their Acharya - Mohammed - being directed to the Lotus Feet of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada!!

Have any of you EVER met the devotees of Kazaksthan?
Incredible!! Simply Incredible!! I was blessed with their most purifying association in Sri Dhama Mayapur two years back. I am purified only recalling them all!!

One day Saudia Arabia and ALL the rest - will out chant the Holy Name , out cook the Lord’s prasada, out dance in the kirtan and out fox and out distribute Srila Prabhupada’s wonderful books than all the other nations of the world - combined!!

I guarantee it.

Islam means “submission”. They want to submit. All jivas want to submit! They just haven’t arrived at the proper point yet to fully and wholly and absolutely submit -to Krsna! But one day - they will. For sure.

The Karmi apologists for the present Western Economic System - would have us all believe otherwise about ISLAM. That is THEIR game. Not Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu! When He said “Someday -in every town and village”…He did not say “Except in the Muslim village”!

He said “In every town and village MY name will be chanted”.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

Praghosa Das (ACBSP) - NYC

