Seine Heiligkeit Bhakti Svarup Damodar Goswami


Geschrieben von Berghof am 02. Oktober 2006 23:03:

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !

All glories to Srila Bhakti Svarupa Damodara Mahraja !

Leider muss ich Euch heute eine der traurigsten Nachrichten meines Lebens mitteilen. Soeben erreichte uns diese Information im deutschen Iskcon Forum:

In der Nacht vom Sonntag, dem 1.Oktober zum Montag, dem 2.Oktober hat Seine
Heiligkeit Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Maharaja in der Folge des auf ihn
verübten Anschlages in Manipura (an Janmasthami) gegen Mitternacht in
Kalkutta den Körper verlassen. Er verstarb im Alter von 69 Jahren gegen 0:15 in den Räumen des Bhaktivedanta Institute in Kalkutta an Herzversagen durch Atemnot, die als Spätfolge des Bombenanschlags vor wenigen Wochen plötzlich mitten in der Nacht eintrat. Als der Arzt eintraf, konnte er nur noch in Anwesenheit der Devotees feststellen, dass Srila Bhaktisavarupa Damodara Maharaja diese große Seele, einer der führenden Schüler von Srila Prabhupada, unsere vergängliche Welt für immer verlassen hat.

Sein Körper soll seinem Wunsch entsprechend am Radha Kunda in Vrindavan beigesetzt werden.

Diese Nachricht trifft alle Gottgeweihten und Freunde Iskcons, insbesondere auch seine Gottbrüder und - schwestern wie ein Donnerschlag. Unsere tiefe Trauer und Anteilnahme gilt vor allem allen seinen Schülern. Sollte einer seiner Schüler hier in Deutschland Beistand oder einen Gesprächspartner brauchen, kann er sich selbstverständlich gern mit einer Nachricht an mich wenden, und ich werde versuchen, ihm zu helfen.

Hier ist die die Zeile eines Gedichts von Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, das mir immer wieder im Angedenken an diesen unvergleichlichen Vaishnava heute durch den Kopf gegangen ist, als ich daran dachte, dass er jetzt zu Krishna in die spirituelle Welt zurueck gegangen ist:

"He reasons ill who thinks that Vaishanavas die...
while living still in sound -
and living try
to spread Your Holy Name around. "

"Derjenige täuscht sich, der denkt, dass Vaishnavas sterben...
während sie doch im Klang ihrer Worte für immer weiter leben -
und lebend wie sie sind, ewiglich damit fortfahren,
den heiligen Namen des Herrn
überall auf der Welt zu verkünden."

Alle Ehre sei His Holiness Bhakti Svarupa Damodara Maharaja !

Lasst uns seinem persönlichen Beispiel der vollständigen Hingabe zur Mission seines geliebten spirituellen Meisters Srila Prabhupadas, seinem Fleiss und seiner unerschütterlichen Furchtlosigkeit folgen.

Ich verneige mich vor ihm, in tiefer Ehrfurcht und Dankbarkeit für sein glorreiches Leben, sein vollkommenes Beispiel, seine Heldenhaftigkeit, seine tiefe Barmherzigkeit und seinen Dienst für Krishna.

Hier sind die vollständigen offiziellen Mitteilungen:

Dear Assembled Vaisnavas,

It is with great regret and lamentation that we announce the sudden
departure of Sripad Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami at approximately 12:15 AM
Kolkata time, October 2nd, 2006, in Kolkata India. Sripad Maharaja, as he
was affectionately known by his followers, was sixty-nine years old.

Sripad Maharaja was staying in the Bhaktivedanta Institute flat in Kolkata
with four assistants, Brajendra Kumar, Brajapati, Brihaspati and Gunam Canda
Singh. He had been receiving treatment for the injury he sustained in the
grenade attack at Janmastami in ISKCON’s Manipur temple.

Just before midnight Maharaja called for Brajendra Kumar prabhu complaining
of severe pain in his shoulder. Over the next few minutes he became
breathless, and before a doctor could be called, he departed this mortal
world for the transcendental realm.
Because of the time, a doctor could only be called later this morning. He
confirmed the cause of death as ventricular fibulation leading to cardiac

At the time of writing, 9 AM October 2 2006, the intention is to take the
body of Sripada Maharaja first to Imphal, Manipur on an 11 AM flight, and
thence to New Delhi this evening, and then on to Radha-kunda. It was
Maharaja’s wish that he be put into samadhi in Radha-kunda.
However because of the necessary preparations that have to be made for
transporting his body, clearance of airline regulations etc. it may not be
possible to go to Imphal. In this case his body will be flown directly to
New Delhi most likely this afternoon.

The devotees of ISKCON Mayapur wish to express their shock and grief at the
departure of Sripad Maharaja, and offer their most heartfelt condolences and
prayers to the disciples and associates of Sripad Maharaja whose hearts must
surely be burning in the fire of separation at the loss of their beloved
spiritual master.

We will keep the devotee community advised via the internet as further
information becomes available. Anyone wishing to ring may contact the
Kolkata Vice President, Sriman Varada Krishna prabhu on +09331260760.

On behalf of ISKCON Mayapur
Your humble servant,
Hari-sauri dasa

Note from : To learn about Sripad Bhaktiswarup Damodar
Maharaja’s contribution to scientific preaching, visit the official website
of his Bhaktivedanta Institute group at

Dear Devotees,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

It is with deep regret that we inform you of the disappearance of Sripad
Bhakti Svarupa Damodara Maharaja due to a massive cardiac arrest. He passed
away around 12:15 am today, Monday, October 2nd, in Calcutta, Srila
Prabhupada’s place of birth.

We the members and servants of the Governing Body Commission of the
International Society for Krishna Consciousness, express our profound
bereavement on the passing of our dear Godbrother and fellow Governing Body
Commissioner Sri Srimad Bhakti Svarupa Damodara Maharaja, the beloved
disciple of ISKCON Founder/Acarya His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Srila Prabhupada gave special attention to Sripada Maharaja, even up to his
last days in Vrindavana in November of 1977. He would sometimes refer to
Sripada Maharaja affectionately as, “Our Dr. Svarupa Damodara” and “our
scientist, Svarupa Damaodara”, and there were hours of conversations between
Prabhupada and Sripada Maharaja.

Sri Srimad Bhakti Svarupa Damodara Maharaja dedicated his life to fulfilling
Srila Prabhupada’s order to spread Krishna consciousness throughout the
world especially through the medium of the Bhaktivedanta Institute. Maharaja
tirelessly worked to publish literature, develop relationships with leading
scientists and organize elaborate conferences that brought the scientific
community together to hear the message of Krishna Consciousness in a
language they could appreciate. While doing that, he simultaneously
established Krishna Consciousness in his native State of Manipur. He spread
the glories of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Srila Prabhupada throughout that
area. He was always a gentle, humble soul who worked tirelessly in Srila
Prabhupada’s service. Even at his advanced age, he was traveling the globe
attending conferences, meeting top scientists, preaching at ISKCON temples
and program. In this time of their great grief, we pledge ourselves to the
service of his disciples and followers who are determined to carry on his
great service to the mission of Srila Prabhupada.

Signed (on behalf of the GBC Body),

AC Bhaktivaibhava Swami
GBC Chairman 2006-2007

